Saturday, March 15, 2008

The End of my Vacation...

I am currently cleaning the Florida house and will depart with my family to the cold and dreary at 7:30 tonight. So, today was my off day: a late wake up, big all-you-can-eat breakfast, and a leisurely stroll along the beach with a trolley ride mixed in. It was warm and mostly sunny (some cloudy days; one rainy day). I am tan, rested, and exercised. My long run yesterday was 16 miles. I left at 5:45 in the morning and the stars were still high in the sky and greeting me in abundance. I ran out to the ocean, listened to the waves (I could not see them for it was pitch black dark) and ran back to the sun rising in front of me. It was a good run, though not for working on short speed, but definitely for feeling the legs, gaining the strength, and (as I learned once again) for prayer and reflection. So, to close out the wonderful week of running and the great vacation of beach and sun, my total miles were 43 miles with 15 of those miles for speed. Good-bye sun, here comes the snow...

1 comment:

AJMac said...

Your running miles are comparable to my riding miles. You are a machine, my man.