Saturday, October 11, 2008


This morning I ran in the Landmark Church Run for Life 5k. The field was fewer than 200 runners, and it was clear early on that the front would be rather thin. Five of us went out together at the front, finishing our first mile in 6:10. Then one guy dropped off the back, two guys shot out in front, and I found myself battling with a guy nearly twice my age for third place. We duked it out for the rest of the race. At mile 2 we were on the same pace in 12:20. I pulled away from him on a small hill about 1/4 mile from the finish, and placed third in 19:16.

I just didn't have it in me today to run 6:07's. No excuses, no regrets. I paced almost perfectly and left everything on the course, I just didn't have 19-minute legs today. I have one more race this year, the Jingle Bell 5k on December 6. That's my last shot.

Here are my 5k race times so far this year:
February: 19:47
April 26: 19:12
May 10: 19:51
September 1: 19:59
October 11: 19:16

I'm this close. Trouble is, CGB is right behind me. My money says the next 5k he races, he breaks the barrier.

Meanwhile, Notsoflash... (cue crickets).

1 comment:

CGB said...

I can hear the crickets right now and they must be for NotsoflashGordon because there are no crickets in Massachusetts in mid-October.