Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I'm back. (pause for the low, muffled groan of the reader.) Yes, after my long hiatus due to failure to remember the password for this blog post, I return to the literary forum properly and formally known as 'Eighteen Fifty Nine'. Alas, it would take quite a bit of time (more than you have, I'm sure) to explain what I've been up to for the last several months. However, suffice it so say that I have been training for this little friendly race against the clock.

There is no doubt that if I were to run a 5K tomorrow, my time would be nowhere near 19:12 or 19:16, and I'm positive that running 13 consecutive miles or completing a duathlon with a competitive time is out of the question for me right now. However, my training regimen has also taken quite a different shape over the last several months than it was originally. I've begun to approach the 3.1 miles from the speed side of things; only to be expected from a sprinter, I suppose. It's actually working, though. I've whittled my 1-mile time down to 6:30 and my 2-mile time down to 13:10. Obviously, at this pace, I'm not even close to breaking 19 minutes. However, it's a far proverbial cry from the 21 minutes at which I started.

This is not to say that I'll have a shot at breaking 19 minutes before the end of December. Although, I'll take what improvement I can. Basically, all I've done for the last couple months are a lot of plyometrics, some core exercises, push-ups, pull-ups, and running 4 miles at a time six days per week.

Also, my calorie intake, I think, has doubled. Or at least, it seams like I'm eating a lot more. I don't even care any more what I eat, as long as it's edible. It could be a carrot stick or a bacon-double-cheeseburger............ (mmmm... bacon-double-cheeseburger). Sorry, 'got distracted there for a second. I've always had a pretty fast metabolism, but this is becoming ridiculous. I can't eat fast enough any more. I'm always hungry. I seldom used to eat mid-night snacks. Now, I frequent the fridge or cupboard at 11pm or 2 in the morning because my belly woke me up for breakfast a few hours too early.

Actually, it's late and I should get to bed so I can get up in time for my fourth meal. 'more about my running times and training later.

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