Saturday, September 20, 2008

What a Relay!!!

Today, I ran the Fred Brown Lake Winnipesaukee Relay. It is the same one that I ran last year - 65 miles around the Lake - and I ran the same leg - 9.3 miles. I wanted to conquer the 350 foot climb at the beginning (over 0.5 miles) and the immediate descent - followed by more climbs and immediate descents. Last year, I ran it in 72 minutes and destroyed my legs. I did not get into a groove until after miles 3. This year, I made the climb with "relative ease" and sustained stride and momentum down each descent. The climbs were fluid and I felt great. I passed people one-by-one, a Bill Rodgers-type passed me, and drove my legs up the final ascent to the transition point passing one final competitor with a final sprint. I felt good and my legs were moving like I wanted more. My watch this year? 65 minutes. SWEET!!! It must have been all of those hill repeats over the last couple of weeks and a relatively light week this week serving as rest = 30 miles so far. I think I will sign-up and run a half-marathon next Sunday. Then, I will focus on speed intervals. After cheering for my teammates today, and having them cheer for me (all while hanging out of the moving van), hanging in good humor and with smelly bodies, and running with positive attitude and results (we won our division by 13 minutes), the best part of the day was, obviously, the shower.

1 comment:

Angela said...

way to go, Charles! You are close...