Sunday, September 14, 2008

My secrets, revealed!

Drats! CGB uncovered my secret weight loss program. The fact is that since moving to Alabama I've had no difficulty keeping the weight off. It's not because I'm in great shape; the ubiquitous fried and sugary foods have seen to it that I maintain a fluffy cushion around my middle. I keep the weight off because I am perpetually dehydrated. And my dehydration is not for lack of fluid intake. I spend as much time consuming water and salty foods and I do engaging in all my other activities combined. Yet somehow all that water ends up in my clothes. When I undress in the evenings I can squeeze enough water out of my clothes to refill Lake Powell, and still there is enough left to replenish a couple dozen acres of the Sahara Desert.

Cross training the last couple weeks, as I have mixed in the laps in the pool and miles on the bike (including for speedwork) and I accepted an invitation to play basketball with some former students.

Sunday, Aug. 30: 5k tempo (20:55)
Monday: 5k race (19:59)
Tuesday: ride intervals, 10 x 1/2 mile, 1/2 mile
Wednesday: run 5m
Thursday: run 5m
Saturday: ride 32m

Tuesday: swim 1/2 hour; run 5m
Wednesday: basketball
Thursday: run 5m
Friday: run intervals, 4 x 400 (88 sec. ave.), 300
Saturday: run 4m

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