Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Keep Up the Good Work...

Well, 80°C, humid weather is not easy to run in. It seems like AJMac is keeping in shape and setting up for a productive 6 weeks. Seems like the perfect training schedule. Keep up the good work.

In Massachusetts, the weather has not been so oppressive, very beautiful in fact, and so I have been taking advantage of it. Last week I posted some big numbers without really doing speed work (that will come later):

Monday - 4 miles moderate
Tuesday - 3.5 miles hard
Wednesday - 10 miles fast = 71 minutes flat - this includes the final 2.5 miles in 15:45 (6:18 pace)
Thursday - 5 miles moderate
Friday - rest
Saturday - 12.5 miles moderate = 1:32 - this includes the final 3.4 miles in 22:45 (6:41 pace is not bad for the end of a 12 mile run.
Total = 35 miles

Oh, by the way, I biked into work and home every day last week, so my legs were not super fresh. I am trying to keep up the good work this week (minus the biking - time to take the oldest to school every day) and even improve on my last numbers. I want to be able to start out a race at 6:20 pace, improve to 6:15 over mile two and then book it home, leaving it all out on the course, by averaging a 5:50 pace over the next 1.1 miles.

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