Saturday, April 5, 2008

One week away

A week from tomorrow I'll be laying it on the line in Birmingham. The bike got a bath and lube today, after some interval and transition work in light rain made it a little grungy. My skin-tight, near-indecent racing suit is laid out and my Yankz! laces are in my running shoes. All I have left to do is rest up and try not to overthink things.

My stats this week follow.

Sunday: ride a very windy 32m
Monday AM: run 2.9m tempo
Monday PM: run intervals -- 6 x 700, 350
Wednesday AM: run 4.7m
Wednesday PM: run intervals -- 6 x 700, 350
Thursday: run 4m
Friday: run 5m
Saturday: ride intervals -- 5 x 1/2m, 1/2m; then straight into 4 bricks -- 4 x ride 1.2m, run 1k.

CGB and notsoflash no doubt have a major head start on me toward our ultimate goal. However, I intend to focus exlusively on the 5k after the duathlon is over next weekend.

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