Saturday, April 19, 2008

Post-du training stats

No rest for the (slow and) weary. My next target race is a 5k on May 10 and I am determined to get within striking distance of 19 minutes, at least below 19:30. I'll be d----d if CGB or Notsoflash is going to beat me to 18:59.

The weekly recitation of self-inflicted, irrational, sadistic, arduous, emotionally-unbalanced training sessions follows, so that the guys can hold me accountable. Or so that I can read this a year from now and wonder, "What the @&#$% was I thinking?"

Sunday: stopped to whistle
Monday: run 5m recovery
Wednesday AM: run intervals, 8 x 400 meters (87 sec. ave.), 300 (recoveries)
Wednesday PM: time trial on the bike
Thursday: run 5m
Friday: run intervals, 12 x 400 (88 sec.), 300
Saturday: ride 40m

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