Sunday, August 17, 2008

Speed work

Congrats to CGB for his 19:42 5k tempo run Tuesday. He's obviously in good shape to make another run at 19 minutes. In light of my 20:47 5k tempo on Friday afternoon, I have more work to do. My next 5k race will be on Labor Day. It will be helpful to know how much speed I have lost since my 19:12 race in April.

What I have lost in speed I have gained in endurance. Riding the bike around New England and running on trails above 9300 feet in Colorado was very good for the cardio-vascular system. Now I just need to get my legs to move. To that end, the last two weeks have been all about speed work and leg strengthening.

Two weeks ago:
Monday: run 5m
Tuesday: run 4m
Wednesday: run 5.5m
Thursday: 4 x 700 meters (2:34 ave.), 350 meters
Saturday: 12 x 400 meters (88 sec. ave.)

Last week:
Monday: run 6m
Tuesday: run 4m; lunges 20 mins.
Wednesday: run 5.5m
Thursday: 4 x 700 (2:33), 350
Friday: hot, humid 5k tempo (20:47); lunges 20 mins.
Saturday: 10 x 400 (87 sec.)

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