So, I ran the town 5K this evening - the Andover Days 5K. I have run this race every year since its inception and absolutely love it. It is a challenging course, with a big reward - increasing elevation for the first two miles and then a fast finish (the first part of mile 3 is down hill). My splits were off what I would need for a 19:00 race, but that was to be expected. The are as follows
Mile 1 - 6:32
Mile 2 - 6:23
Mile 3 and 0.1 - 6:33
Official finishing time - 19:29
This is a personal record and I even won my age group! I am so excited about this. Plus, I vindicated last week's poor showing. But why is it that on the same night that I set a PR, AJMac sits on his couch and gets a second better on his PR? What am I doing wrong?
Tonight, I met a gentlemen who has always wanted to beat 20:00 minutes. His official time tonight was 19:00. We should use that story as motivation.
Friday, May 30, 2008
A second faster without lifting a foot
I haven't raced in three weeks. I haven't even been running very much, as I have been busy grading exams, doing end-of-the-semester stuff, and getting sick. Nevertheless, without even so much as registering for a race, I managed to shave a full second off my post-high school PR. The official results for the Vaughn Forest 5k were posted (here). Apparently my official time was 19:12, a second faster than the time on my wrist watch.
This is the way to shave off seconds: sit around doing nothing and watch one's races get faster as time goes on. At this rate, I'll have run a 19-minute 5k by the end of November without running another race.
This is the way to shave off seconds: sit around doing nothing and watch one's races get faster as time goes on. At this rate, I'll have run a 19-minute 5k by the end of November without running another race.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Upcoming Race and Belated Reflection...
Tomorrow night I have the town 5K race. I am very excited for it, because I run it every year. It has a steady, but slight climb for the first mile, then a couple of quick bursts up minor hills and then a fast finish. So, in preparation, I went out this week and ran some speed intervals on Tuesday morning, and then on Wednesday morning I ran a time trial. To be honest, I do not know if this was the smartest thing to do, but after warming up for ~1.5 miles (including a few 100m strides) and some stretching, I ran the course as if it were a race. My stop watch as I crossed the "finish line" said 19:35. This reminds me that during the week leading up to my last race, when I ran 6 miles, I decided to "race" 3.1 miles of it. My watch clocked 19:37. So, I know that I can do better than 20:21. I need to do it, though, and that means starting with the right preparation leading up to the race. So, after my light and easy stretch run of 3 miles, I will wake up with a goal of a hearty carbed breakfast, a light lunch, plenty of water until about 3 or 4 PM and then timely arrival at the race. The warm up will be my key. This will be an important race because it will tell me, if I run the best race that I can, how far away I am for the elusive 19 minute 5K. I will let you know how it went...
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Not to Make Excuses...
As you know, I had a race on Tuesday, May 20, to gauge the progress of my training. I will get to that in a moment. First I want to document my stats for the week leading up to the training.
Monday: 2 x 1200, 1 x 800, 1 x 400, 1 x 200, 6 x 100 strides (total of ~7 miles including warm up and warm down)
Tuesday: 6 miles
Wednesday: 4 x 200, 4 lactate sessions, 4 x 200, 4 x 100 strides (total of about 6 miles including warm up and warm down
Thursday: 7 miles including hills (learned on that run that my employee was most likely handing in her resignation)
Friday: 3 miles easy, stretch run
Saturday: Should have run 11 miles, but did not run at all
Sunday: Should have run 6 miles, but did not run at all
Then on Monday, I should have had an easy, stretch run since I did not do any leg strengthening distance over the weekend, but I did not. So, I let three days go by with nothing. Enter Tuesday. Let me preface this by saying that I have been absolutely swamped and I do not like to make excuses. Can you see where this is going already?
I ended up working late on Tuesday. That is fine, and admittedly, I already knew at the beginning of the day that I would end up working past 5-5:30. I just needed to be gone by 6:15 so that I could show up at the 7:00 race ready and warming up by 6:45. Naturally, I did not leave work until 6:30 - did I mention that it takes 20 minutes to get to the 7:00 race? To add to the stress of the evening, I decided to change in the car as I drove. During the drive, because I had no true red lights without another car pulling up right next to mine, I was brave enough to only change my shirt.
Knowing that I was already behind schedule when I approached the race site, I pulled in front of the bar where registration was occurring and temporarily parked in the most convenient parking space. I ran in and was told to go to the far back of the building to register. As I snaked my way through the traditionally tight New England hallways, I came upon a woman working the registration table. I have registered for many races and on that night, I was expecting it to be just as fluid and efficient as before. Instead, she preceded to explain all of the process to me. Apparently, I was racing in a series and needed to know the impact to the races that followed. So, after the short conversation that took me to 6:55 (for those with time deficiencies, the race was at 7:00), I ran out to my car to move it to an appropriate parking space - oh, I forgot to tell you something special about that "convenient parking space" (or was I avoiding it?)... I parked in a handicap space. Yes, you guessed it, I was getting a ticket when I ran out to the car. The officer was nice, but lectured me (and rightly so). I did not get the $300 ticket. Thank, the Lord.
I moved the car. I pulled around to the back of the bar which was supposed to be close to the race start. At this point, I would say the time was 6:58. Several runners were performing their warm-ups past the car and I still needed to change into my shorts. At the first sign of freedom from the would-be voyeurs, I quickly pulled on my running underwear and shorts (yes, you heard correctly - I was bu**-naked in the car). I jumped out of the car to run down the street, around the corner, around the next corner, and down the street to the starting line. I was running hard to get there so it is very difficult to call it a warm-up. Also, it was probably a little less than a 1/4 mile. I got to the back of the crowd and started to pin my number on. I was in the middle of the second pin, when the gun blew and I had not stretched. So, I started to trot, finishing the second pin and doing the third. I always use four pins and it was not until after I almost tripped to decide not to try the fourth pin.
I realized at this point that everyone was out in front of me and I needed to make up time. So, I ran hard estimating that I traversed the first mile in just under 6:00. Remember that I did not have the proper warm-up. I would also like to emphasize that I had to estimate distance. There were no mile markers. After running hard for the first mile, I could feel myself starting to slow down. I felt like I had been running for close to 3 miles, though I knew that could not be right when I asked another runner "how much further?" His reply, "just 1/2 mile". Great I thought, so I pushed harder. Well, it turns out that the 1/2 mile so generously declared, was at least 3/4 mile. As I approached the finish line, my legs would not go faster and I came across in a "blistering" 20:21.
Well, I have another race this weekend, Friday night. I am hoping that it is a better gauge of my efforts. Though just incase it does not go well, I should say up front that work kept me from running at all since last Tuesday's race until this morning.
I tried so desparately not to convey any excuses. I should tell you, though, that on Tuesday, I forgot to wear shoes.
Monday: 2 x 1200, 1 x 800, 1 x 400, 1 x 200, 6 x 100 strides (total of ~7 miles including warm up and warm down)
Tuesday: 6 miles
Wednesday: 4 x 200, 4 lactate sessions, 4 x 200, 4 x 100 strides (total of about 6 miles including warm up and warm down
Thursday: 7 miles including hills (learned on that run that my employee was most likely handing in her resignation)
Friday: 3 miles easy, stretch run
Saturday: Should have run 11 miles, but did not run at all
Sunday: Should have run 6 miles, but did not run at all
Then on Monday, I should have had an easy, stretch run since I did not do any leg strengthening distance over the weekend, but I did not. So, I let three days go by with nothing. Enter Tuesday. Let me preface this by saying that I have been absolutely swamped and I do not like to make excuses. Can you see where this is going already?
I ended up working late on Tuesday. That is fine, and admittedly, I already knew at the beginning of the day that I would end up working past 5-5:30. I just needed to be gone by 6:15 so that I could show up at the 7:00 race ready and warming up by 6:45. Naturally, I did not leave work until 6:30 - did I mention that it takes 20 minutes to get to the 7:00 race? To add to the stress of the evening, I decided to change in the car as I drove. During the drive, because I had no true red lights without another car pulling up right next to mine, I was brave enough to only change my shirt.
Knowing that I was already behind schedule when I approached the race site, I pulled in front of the bar where registration was occurring and temporarily parked in the most convenient parking space. I ran in and was told to go to the far back of the building to register. As I snaked my way through the traditionally tight New England hallways, I came upon a woman working the registration table. I have registered for many races and on that night, I was expecting it to be just as fluid and efficient as before. Instead, she preceded to explain all of the process to me. Apparently, I was racing in a series and needed to know the impact to the races that followed. So, after the short conversation that took me to 6:55 (for those with time deficiencies, the race was at 7:00), I ran out to my car to move it to an appropriate parking space - oh, I forgot to tell you something special about that "convenient parking space" (or was I avoiding it?)... I parked in a handicap space. Yes, you guessed it, I was getting a ticket when I ran out to the car. The officer was nice, but lectured me (and rightly so). I did not get the $300 ticket. Thank, the Lord.
I moved the car. I pulled around to the back of the bar which was supposed to be close to the race start. At this point, I would say the time was 6:58. Several runners were performing their warm-ups past the car and I still needed to change into my shorts. At the first sign of freedom from the would-be voyeurs, I quickly pulled on my running underwear and shorts (yes, you heard correctly - I was bu**-naked in the car). I jumped out of the car to run down the street, around the corner, around the next corner, and down the street to the starting line. I was running hard to get there so it is very difficult to call it a warm-up. Also, it was probably a little less than a 1/4 mile. I got to the back of the crowd and started to pin my number on. I was in the middle of the second pin, when the gun blew and I had not stretched. So, I started to trot, finishing the second pin and doing the third. I always use four pins and it was not until after I almost tripped to decide not to try the fourth pin.
I realized at this point that everyone was out in front of me and I needed to make up time. So, I ran hard estimating that I traversed the first mile in just under 6:00. Remember that I did not have the proper warm-up. I would also like to emphasize that I had to estimate distance. There were no mile markers. After running hard for the first mile, I could feel myself starting to slow down. I felt like I had been running for close to 3 miles, though I knew that could not be right when I asked another runner "how much further?" His reply, "just 1/2 mile". Great I thought, so I pushed harder. Well, it turns out that the 1/2 mile so generously declared, was at least 3/4 mile. As I approached the finish line, my legs would not go faster and I came across in a "blistering" 20:21.
Well, I have another race this weekend, Friday night. I am hoping that it is a better gauge of my efforts. Though just incase it does not go well, I should say up front that work kept me from running at all since last Tuesday's race until this morning.
I tried so desparately not to convey any excuses. I should tell you, though, that on Tuesday, I forgot to wear shoes.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Stats and all that
The week, recapped.
Sunday: ride fast 22m
Tuesday: run 5m
Wednesday: run 6m
Thursday: run 5k tempo
Friday: run 4m tempo
Saturday: ride 45m
Sunday: ride fast 22m
Tuesday: run 5m
Wednesday: run 6m
Thursday: run 5k tempo
Friday: run 4m tempo
Saturday: ride 45m
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Another Week...
This past week was light. Mostly because I travelled to western Mass over the weekend and was not able to fit in the running with Mother's Day. Otherwise, I did speed work with easy runs in between. The first day of speed work was really tough. Some days you just don't have it - maybe I warmed up to quickly, or did not stretch enough. Perhaps my body just did not have the energy. Either way, I kept with it, running 7.5 miles with extensive "speedwork" making up the most of it. I felt much more spry on the second day of speedwork.
Monday: 3.5 miles easy, stretch run
Wednesday: 7.5 miles (2 x 1200, 1 x 800, 1 x 400, 1 x 200, 6 x 100m strides)
Thursday: 7.0 miles with 5 hills including a 1 mile long monster hill
Friday: 6.0 miles (4 x 400, 4 lactate sessions, 4 x 200, 6 x 100m strides)
I want to run a baseline 5K next week, but want to get a good strong week in, first. I will target a Lowell 5K on Tuesday evening. My goal is to try to maintain a strong race pace so that I can work on my endurance and speed in the final mile.
Speaking of endurance, this week, in addition to my training, I will be participating in the BayState Bike Week, where we are trying to replace driving miles with biking miles in our commute. Though it is only 10 miles each day, it will work my heart and my legs (biking is hard - how does AJMac do it?). I will be very tired by the end of the week. So, I will look forward to a rest on Monday and then a race on Tuesday.
Just a word to my friend AJMac. 19:51 is still productive. Be not discouraged; be not dismayed. You may not have met your goal this week, but there is the next week or the next time. And you are right, the weather is out of your control. Remember, your lungs and legs are now stronger for it.
Monday: 3.5 miles easy, stretch run
Wednesday: 7.5 miles (2 x 1200, 1 x 800, 1 x 400, 1 x 200, 6 x 100m strides)
Thursday: 7.0 miles with 5 hills including a 1 mile long monster hill
Friday: 6.0 miles (4 x 400, 4 lactate sessions, 4 x 200, 6 x 100m strides)
I want to run a baseline 5K next week, but want to get a good strong week in, first. I will target a Lowell 5K on Tuesday evening. My goal is to try to maintain a strong race pace so that I can work on my endurance and speed in the final mile.
Speaking of endurance, this week, in addition to my training, I will be participating in the BayState Bike Week, where we are trying to replace driving miles with biking miles in our commute. Though it is only 10 miles each day, it will work my heart and my legs (biking is hard - how does AJMac do it?). I will be very tired by the end of the week. So, I will look forward to a rest on Monday and then a race on Tuesday.
Just a word to my friend AJMac. 19:51 is still productive. Be not discouraged; be not dismayed. You may not have met your goal this week, but there is the next week or the next time. And you are right, the weather is out of your control. Remember, your lungs and legs are now stronger for it.
Last week's training stats
I plan to back off the speed work for a while, take a break from race preparation, and just accumulate base miles for the next few weeks. My stats follow, from the final week pre-target race.
Sunday: ride 32m
Monday: run 5m
Wednesday AM: 4 x 700 meters (2:41 ave.)
Wednesday PM: ride time trial
Thursday: run 4m
Friday: run 5k
Saturday: race 5k (19:51)
Sunday: ride 32m
Monday: run 5m
Wednesday AM: 4 x 700 meters (2:41 ave.)
Wednesday PM: ride time trial
Thursday: run 4m
Friday: run 5k
Saturday: race 5k (19:51)
Out of my control
Other things are not at all within the runner's control. That little old lady in the Buick who cuts in front of you? Let it go. Do the math. Her car weighs 1500 pounds. You weigh... well, a lot less, even if you did eat three Krispy Kreme donuts at the faculty meeting yesterday morning.
The weather is one of those things out of the runner's control. So when I awoke Saturday morning brimming with hope for a 19-minute 5k and stepped outside to find air so think I need a pocket knife to pry my way across the threshold, there was nothing to do but race anyway.
How muggy was it? We didn't run five kilometers so much as we waded five kilometers. My finishing time, 19:51, was a huge disappointment, especially after running a 19:13 just two weeks earlier. But I finished in third place overall. That's how muggy it was. Everyone was slow. The whole race was run in instant replay, with John Madden drawing lines all over the course and inanimate objects suspended in mid-air as little children looked on with perpetual, unchanging boredom engraved on their little faces.
So, the nineteen minute five kay lives to fight another day. And I keep chasing.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Good Strong Week, Finally...
As I promised, here are my stats for this week. I logged 37 miles, but just as important, if not more important, I have worked in speed, hills and endurance. Now, if I can keep this up and build my mileage, I should see some real results. The plan is to try to build on the past week in the upcoming days. Hopefully, I can do this by duplicating the following effort and working in an extra easy, stretch run. Then, if all goes to plan this week, the next week I will run a local 5K in the evening as a baseline race. Note that all intervals are done at 6:00 pace (equivalent to 90 seconds/400 meters). I need to increase the speed in order to work down to 19:00, but there is time to build that strength and speed.
Tuesday: 8.5 miles including 2 x 1200, 2 x 800, 2 x 400, 2 x 200 and 6 x 100 strides
Wednesday: 4 miles easy, stretch run, including one big hill
Thursday: 7.5 miles including 2 x 800, 4 x 400, 4 x 200 and 6 x 100 strides
Saturday: 6 mile medium tempo run (pushing one of the kids)
Sunday: 11 miles good pressing pace (not sure of time) including four long hills
Tuesday: 8.5 miles including 2 x 1200, 2 x 800, 2 x 400, 2 x 200 and 6 x 100 strides
Wednesday: 4 miles easy, stretch run, including one big hill
Thursday: 7.5 miles including 2 x 800, 4 x 400, 4 x 200 and 6 x 100 strides
Saturday: 6 mile medium tempo run (pushing one of the kids)
Sunday: 11 miles good pressing pace (not sure of time) including four long hills
Scary Things...
I will have this week's stats to post once I have finished my week. It depends on if I get out for today. But I wanted to post about two scary things. One is me (more on that later). The other is the fact that this blog started just over two months ago, when AJMac was at 19:46 (not sure if that is accurate) and is now at 19:13. Admittedly, I did not expect that he would drop so quickly. I was, and am now even more so, certain that AJMac would get 18:59; but, to know he is 14 seconds away shocked NotsoFlashGordon and me to the core. I am not certain of NotsoflashGordon's reaction, but it got me thinking terrible thoughts - is AJMac going to crush me? Am I too out of shape to make a serious run at this thing? Is AJMac going to jump ship and joining the blog "Seventeen Fifty Nine" because we are not good enough? I guess the real feeling though, when I reflect properly, is pride. I am so proud that he is at 19:13, because in spite of wanting to be the first to the goal, I realized that the Army rangers did not just want one soldier to climb the cliff. Keep up the good work. I am cheering you on, AJMac. NotsoflashGordon and I are on our way, don't worry.
The other scary thing, as I mentioned at the top, is me. Specifically, on Thursday night, I ran up to the local prep school, Philips Academy Andover, to run on the track at night. There were no lights, just the stars, the track and me... and a petit woman walking around the track. She saw me running around the track towards her. All of the sudden her walk turned into a trot. I was doing speed work and so I was coming on fast. It was hard to see, but as she turned the corner and the distant lights from the main campus defined her sillouette, I could see she was faster than a cheetah. I couldn't catch her (in the figurative sense), but I am convinced she thought I was trying (in the literal sense). Apparently, she ran straight off the track and home. I think the dust is just now settling.
The other scary thing, as I mentioned at the top, is me. Specifically, on Thursday night, I ran up to the local prep school, Philips Academy Andover, to run on the track at night. There were no lights, just the stars, the track and me... and a petit woman walking around the track. She saw me running around the track towards her. All of the sudden her walk turned into a trot. I was doing speed work and so I was coming on fast. It was hard to see, but as she turned the corner and the distant lights from the main campus defined her sillouette, I could see she was faster than a cheetah. I couldn't catch her (in the figurative sense), but I am convinced she thought I was trying (in the literal sense). Apparently, she ran straight off the track and home. I think the dust is just now settling.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Preparing for the next attempt at the summit

I have two weeks worth of training stats to post, since I didn't post any last week. A bad stomach bug sidelined me earlier this week, but I got mostly back on track... and lost some weight, which is helpful.
The Homer Simpson equipment check: Running shoes? Check. Sweat bands? Check. Nipple tape? Check, check, and check. Ready to run.
(Last week)
Sunday: ride 32m
Monday: run intervals -- 6 x 400 meters; then run 2m tempo
Wednesday: ride time trial
Thursday: run 5m
Friday: run 4m
Saturday: race 5k (19:13)
(This week)
Sunday through Tuesday: sick
Wednesday: run 6.5m
Thursday: run 4k tempo
Friday: run intervals -- 12 x 400 meters (87 sec. ave.)
Saturday: ride 42m
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