Monday, August 25, 2008

Ah, Lunges!

AJMac reminded me that I could always do lunges to help strengthen the legs. I forget these things, which is why we have this blog. Soon, we are entering September and then we will need to definitely crank up the effort; so this comes with good timing. I also could do the exercise where it looks like I am skipping, but I am really propelling myself high in the air. What are those called?

At any rate, I definitely had a productive week = 34 miles:

Monday - 5 miles hard
Tuesday - 3 miles hard
Wednesday - 8 miles - 1 hour 0 minutes,
Thursday - 3 miles easy (not to mention biking into work and home again)
Friday - rest
Saturday - 10 miles - 1 hour 16 minutes
Sunday - 5 miles medium

I also had time to ponder over my running philosophy. Some time soon I will write about it, but only if AJMac doesn't laugh at me. I am feeling more in shape and my 10 mile and 8 mile runs this past week felt efficient. That is good. I need the miles and the confidence to strengthen my legs, the hills to gain some speed and the cardio to build my engine.

I was watching the Olympic men's marathon and they described the winner (from Kenya) as having the perfect marathoner's body, "small frame and large engine, just like a stock car - efficient cardio and only 112 pounds". 112 pounds! Well, I thought I was like a "stock" car, but different meaning. No wonder my marathon is 1.5 hours longer than theirs. I guess I can kiss the 2012 London games good-bye. Maybe the 2010 Nathan's Fourth of July Coney Island HotDog Challenge is within reach. I should start training.

1 comment:

AJMac said...

Ha! "2010 Nathan's Fourth of July Coney Island HotDog Challenge." That's funny stuff. You oughtta bottle that and sell it.